Thank you for taking the time to stop by the Kentucky Travel Blog, a blog focusing on (as I'm sure you've guessed) Kentucky-ish travel destinations and events.
Your hosts |
We're Dave and Cheryl, a couple of Gen-X'ers on the verge of an empty nest who love travel and history (doesn't everyone?). We usually try to combine those two interests when jaunting around Kentucky and its borders. Being budget travelers, we won't write much about trendy bistros or luxurious resorts very often (yes, there are some in Kentucky). Instead, look for posts about lesser known, but no less interesting, attractions to go along with the usual tourism suspects.
Another goal that we hope to achieve with Kentucky Travel Blog is an increased awareness of gluten-free travel options in the region. Cheryl is celiac, so dining gluten-free is an absolute necessity which puts a bit of a restriction on our refueling choices. Kentucky is a vastly rural state, making gluten-free menus a rare encounter, but we do our best to root them out and write about them here.
So thanks again for stopping by. We hope you'll return regularly as we report on the hidden gems that Kentucky has to offer.