Monday, July 22, 2013

Gettin' It Together

Judging by the woefully small number of posts on this blog, and the vast periods of time that exist between them, I'd have to declare this endeavor a failure. I hesitate to throw in the towel, though. I'd like to believe that the major factor in my having let this blog slip is simply a matter of spreading myself thin. There's a valid school of thought that blogs - successful ones - should be specialized in terms of content. A movie review blog should have only movie reviews, a gardening blog should only contain gardening-related posts, and so on. To that end, I've tried to dedicate a blog to each of my many varied interests and, as a result, all have suffered pretty much the same fate as Blades of Bluegrass. Instead of giving up blogging entirely, or continuing to fail at a number of specialized outlets, I'm going to throw caution to the wind and focus my wildly disparate interests in one place. I know I'm not running the risk of alienating any readers, since I have none, so there's nowhere to go but up! Right? Let's hope so.

As a little bit of fanfare to coincide with the resurgence of this little slice of the blogosphere, I've updated the background image to one that I took while Wonderful Wife and I toured the Gettysburg battlefield on horseback. I don't think that I will go back in time to blog about that mini-vacation, but if you're curious about the sites that we saw please visit my Flickr album.

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